It has been 174 years since Bishop Petar II Petrović Njegoš, foreseeing his impending death, composed his Testament – his last wish to deal with the property he was leaving behind and an expression of embracing the inevitable end of his short earthly life. For four decades, the Testament has been resonanting within the music of Rajko Maksimović.

Glory to You who revealed us the world!

I am grateful to you, Lord, for you deigned to take me out on the hill of one of your worlds and you chose to sodden me with the rays of one of your wonderful suns. Thank You, Lord, for You have adorned me on earth, above millions, in soul and body – as much as from my childhood Your unattainable greatness melted me into hymns of Divine joy, amazement and Your magnificence, so much I contemplated and mourned the poor destiny with horror – Your word created everything from nothing, everything is obedient to Your law, man is mortal and shall die.

With hope, I step towards Your divine sanctuary, whose bright shadow I viewed from the hill that my mortal steps measured – at Your call, I serenely go either under Your bosom, to dwell in eternal sleep, or to the immortal choirs, to glorify You for good and all. 

The Testament

  1. 5. 2024 / 20. 5. 1850

Miona Cvijović – A Dream of Microcosm

Awarding of the Statuette of the University of Arts ’Darinka Matić Marović’

Rajko Maksimović – Testament of the Bishop of Montenegro Petar Petrovič Njegoš

Conductor: Dragana Jovanović

Sava Vemić – bass

Heroine – Miona Cvijović

God – Đorđije Tatić

Satan – Nemanja Todorović

Faculty of Music Orchestra

Mixed choir of Faculty of Music in Belgrade

Academic choir Collegium musicum

First singing society 1905

The cultural and artistic association Abrašević from Šabac

Monday, May 20, 2024 at 8.00, Great Hall of Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment in Belgrade

Miona CvijovićA Dream of Microcosm

  • Microcosm
  • Death
  • Birth

Heroine – Miona Cvijović

God – Đorđije Tatić

Satan – Nemanja Todorović

Choreographer: Tamara Vujošević Mandić

Costume designer: Jasmina Cvijović

Awarding of the Statuette of the University of Arts ’Darinka Matić Marović’ to Čedomir Vasić, M.Sc., professor emeritus of the University of Arts in Belgrade.

The explanation will be read by the president of the Commission, Svetozar Rapajić, professor emeritus of University of Art in Belgrade. Statuette, the work of sculptor Goran Čpajk, professor of Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade will be presented by PhD Mirjana Nikolić, rector of University of Arts in Belgrade.

Rajko MaksimovićTestament of the Bishop of Montenegro Petar Petrović Njegoš

  • Glory to You
  • It is Your Word
  • The man is mortal
  • I come with hope
  • Me at Your call

Sava Vemić – bass

Đorđije Tatić – narrator

Jovan Marinković, piano

Ksenija Agafonova, flute

Lena Crnomarković, Oboe

Matija Nišević, clarinet

Robert Balint, bassoon

Petar Marković, trumpet

Vladan Pavićević, horn

Milan Milić, timpano

Dimitrije Goldner, gong

I violins

Staša Žikić

Stojanka Pešić

Kristina Bojić

Sofija Marković

Đurđica Ivanović

Ognjen Vujanac

Tara Kostadinović

Grigorije Devrnja

Anastasija Andrijašević

Željana Novoselac

Dušan Pešić

II violins

Milica Petrović

Uroš Kočišević

Matija Spasojević

Nadežda Đorđević

Julija Minjazeva

Ema Simović

Bogdan Mitrović

Denis Lupšor

Luna Popović

Ema Despot

Aleksandar Ilijovski


Jovan Muratović

Marko Marić

Milena Radojković

Maša Jovanović

Marija Božić

Eleonora Anđelić

Đurđa Tomić


Uroš Miletić

Nejla Komar

Aja Timotić

Atina Denda


Vanja Crnobanja